
Spring Cleanup: Indoor and Outdoor Musts for Property Managers

Spring is almost here and now is the time for property managers to do some routine maintenance before the spring showers hit and then the stifling summer heat comes. Here are some indoor and outdoor musts to keep your property up-to-date.

  1. Inspect HVAC Systems – Inspect and clean the system’s filters and coils to make sure that they are free of dust and debris. Also, inspect the filter and change out if needed.
  2. Liven Up the Landscape – Remove and prune dead branches and plants. NowLandscape_0404_940 is the time to plant grass sees to revive the lawn or lay down new sod to quickly repair it. Look into planting some annuals that are bright to really make your property pop.
  3. Test Smoke Alarms – Spring is the perfect time for the year to remind yourself to check all smoke alarms. This should be done annually, so review the instructions for all devices and determine if the batteries should be changed.
  4. Check Caulking – Improper caulking allows for moisture to get inside and could potentially cause a plethora of issues over timehomeguides_articles_thumbs_roof-inspection_jpg_600x275_q85_crop.
  5. Inspect the Roof – Examine the roof for missing or worn shingles. Catching roof issues early on will save you from having water damage inside the property.
  6. Clean Gutters – If you property or building has gutter, it is essential to clean them out in preparation for the spring showers. Clogged gutters can lead to significant repair costs in regards to leaks or gutter replacement.

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