Are you a real estate guru? Maybe you are thinking of dabbling in the field of commercial real estate; or, maybe you just want to know more about a multi-billion dollar, global industry. In any case, the more information you know, the better off you are. While some people like reading books to gain knowledge, podcasts are a great way to get that information as well! Plus, if you have any sort of commute to work and are tired of listening to the same songs on the radio (like I am), utilizing that time to listen to podcasts is a great way to kill two birds with one stone. Here is a list of what I believe are some of the top commercial real estate podcasts to tune into.
The Real Estate Guys Radio Show
This real estate investing talk program has actually been broadcasting weekly on conventional radio since 1997. Now, it is one of the most downloaded investing podcasts on iTunes. Robert Helms is the host and founder of the podcast who has been recognized in the top 1% of the largest real estate chain in the world. His co-host Russell Gray has a strong background in financial services. They have co-authored a book called “Equity Happens.” Their podcast focuses on investing education as well as relaying how current events will effect real estate. Find out more by visiting
The Commercial Real Estate Show
The Commercial Real Estate show has been running for over 5 years and is nationally recognized. The weekly 1 hour show focuses on business and commercial real estate topics. They have a large online presence, including posting their videos to YouTube and posted online on various websites. They are also on iTunes and is broadcasted on U.S. radio stations. The host, Michael Bull, is an industry expert who has an active commercial real estate advisor license in nine states. He is the founder of Bull Realty, Incorporated and has over 30 years of experience in the industry. You can check out past topics as well as upcoming topics by visiting their website
The Norris Group Real Estate Show
This podcast is hosted by Bruce Norris, a California real estate educator and lender. The podcast started several years ago and is nearing their 400th episode. Podcasts are 25 minutes long and aims to educate listeners on current trends, legislative affairs and ways to navigate the market. Bruce also brings on national, state, and local leaders and specialists from different real estate sectors to either interview or co-host the podcast. The podcast can be audio streamed, listen to on iTunes or even download the shows.
Best Real Estate Investing Advice Ever
Joe Fairless is a real estate professional who posts almost daily real estate investing advice. He actually had $0 invested in 2009 and now controls over $21,000,000 in real estate. His podcasts have a 5 star rating on iTunes and are highly regarded by those who listen. He does have other real estate investors come on his podcasts which are relatively short – they average about 25 minutes. His podcasts can also be played online at
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With summer quickly coming to an end (sigh), the end of a season is always a great time to do some preventative and routine maintenance on your property. Having a fall checklist is crucial to avoid major problems during the harsh winter – the absolute worst time to have anything go wrong! Take a look…
Michael O’Shea brings over 10 years of experience in capital raising and investor relations to First Capital Advisors. WHEATON, Ill., (October 30, 2017) – First Capital Advisors, LLC (FCA) announced today that Michael O’Shea has joined the firm as the Director of Capital Markets. He will be responsible for implementation and development of the capital…
WHEATON, Ill., (July 28, 2017) – First Capital Advisors, LLC (FCA) announced the disposition of Clarendon Arms Apartments, an 84-unit, value-add property located in the highly desirable Chicago suburb of Clarendon Hills, Illinois. “This was our company’s first sale of a solely managed multi-family property,” said Chris Pope, CEO of First Capital Advisors. “The value-add…
In the universe of private equity real estate investing, it’s easy to imagine that the largest fund sponsors would consistently produce the best results for their investors. While there is something to be said for the consistent long-term results provided by these firms, it is actually the emerging managers who have provided the highest returns. …